Enquiries 0345 484950
Haverfordwest-16 miles to St Davids | Fishguard-15 miles to St Davids
Timetables on-line http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/default.aspx
Coach Station-Haverfordwest
National Express Coaches https://beta.nationalexpress.com/
Local Service Bus Services
Richards Brothers | Tel 01239 613756 www.richardsbros.co.uk
St Davids-Haverfordwest | St Davids-Fishguard
***New Timetable available online***
Coastal Buses including Celtic Coaster
A seasonal bus serving the St Davids Peninsula, 7 days a week
Fflecsi Bus – Northwest Pembrokeshire Zone
Fflecsi buses can pick you up and drop you off in a service area and not just at a bus stop. You must book your ride via the app or phone, then a bus picks you up at your request, changing its route so that all passengers can get to where they need to go.
The northwest Pembrokeshire service helps get you closer to the stunning Pembrokeshire Coast National Park from the busy towns of Fishguard and Haverfordwest. The UK’s smallest city, St Davids, also sits within this zone and with its spectacular cathedral, is well worth a visit.
Website: https://tfw.wales/fflecsi/locations/pembrokeshire
Tel: 03002 340 300
PACTO (Pembrokeshire Association of Community Transport Organisations):
Dial a Ride Services – Ride FREE with your Concessionary Travel Pass or pay a fare if you haven’t got a pass. Anyone who is unable to access public transport can use the services, for any reason.
Tel: 0800 783 1584 Website: http://www.pacto.org.uk/