City Council
Council Structure
St Davids City Council is the first tier of local government and is a statutory body. The City Council is made up of 12 Councillors who are elected to represent the residents of St Davids for a term of five years.
The City Council provides a wide range of services and amenities including the Community Hall, Youth Drop in Centre, Children’s Play Areas, Bus shelter, City Centre Floral Arrangements, Festive Lighting Displays, Weekly Outdoor Market and much more.
St Davids City Council from May 2024
Councillor Bira Sehmi
Deputy Mayor
Councillor David Griffiths
County Councillor
Councillor Bethan Price
St Davids City Councillors
Cllr William Chant (Co-opted)
Cllr Emma Evans (Elected)
Cllr Sarah Foster (Co-opted)
Cllr Malcolm Gray (Co-opted)
Cllr David Griffiths (Elected)
Cllr Frank John (Elected)
Cllr Becky Lloyd (Elected)
Cllr Samantha Minas (Co-opted)
Cllr Bethan Price (Elected)
Cllr Rhys Price (Elected)
Cllr Bira Sehmi (Elected)
Cllr Richard Thornton (Elected)
Clerk to the Council
Mr Simon Mann
City Hall, High Street, St Davids, Pembrokeshire SA62 6SD
Telephone 01437 721 137
Deputy Clerk to the Council
Miss Jessica Foster
City Hall, High Street, St Davids, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6SD
Telephone 01437 721 137
Responsible Financial Officer
Mr Will Mann
City Hall, High Street, St Davids, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6SD
Telephone 01437 721 137
The City Council undertakes its business at a monthly meeting usually on the first Monday of each month with a second meeting on the third Monday of the month, no meetings are held throughout August.
City Council led Groups and Committees
Caretakers House Committee: All City Council members
City Hall Committee: W Chant, F John, B Lloyd, B Price, B Sehmi and R Thornton
Coffee and Chat Group – F John and R Thornton
Community Engagement Committee: E Evans, S Foster, B Lloyd and B Price
Finance Committee: Mayor, D Griffiths, S Minas and R Thornton.
General Purposes Committee: W Chant, D Griffiths, B Sehmi and R Thornton
Grants Development Committee: F John, B Lloyd, B Price, B Sehmi and R Thornton
Market Committee: B Lloyd, B Price, R Price and B Sehmi
Scout Hut Committee: W Chant, M Gray, F John and B Lloyd.
Staff Committee: Mayor, Deputy Mayor, E Evans, F John, S Minas and R Thornton
St Davids Day Celebration Group: Mayor, B Price and E Evans.
Youth Drop In Group: F John, B Price, B Sehmi and R Thornton.
Other Appointments
Mayor’s Chaplain: Canon Sheridan Angharad James
Flagmaster: M Gray
Deputy Flagmaster: S Robinson
Press Officers: Clerk and Deputy Clerk
Internal Auditor: P Evans
How to contact St Davids City Council
The normal approach to the City Council is through the Clerk .
Click here to see the individual contact details for each councillor.
How to contact the County Councillor for St Davids
Click here for contact details of Councillor Bethan Price
City Council Responsibilities
St Davids City Council is responsible for:
St Davids City Hall (including Memorial Hall, Siop Y Bobol and Youth Drop in Centre)
Cross Square and Memorial Gardens
St Davids Memorial Playing Field
Waun Fawr Skate Park and Fitness Equipment
Bus shelter (New Street)
Whitesands Car Park and Cafe
Street furniture located throughout St Davids – benches and street name signs (Some are owned and maintained by Pembrokeshire County Council)
Maps of the local businesses
City Centre Floral Arrangements
Erection and maintenance of the City’s festive lighting displays
Caerfarchell Green
Croeswdig Field
The City Council is also involved in organising and managing a variety of community events and activities:
St Davids Day Events
The Annual Remembrance Day Parade
Christmas Events
Weekly Outdoor Market
Coffee and Chat
Click here for contact names and numbers of all facility owners / managers.
Click here to see all council representative to other organisations.