St Davids Pollinator Trail
The St Davids Pollinator Trail is a community wide project coordinated by The Bug Farm. We have two main aims:
- Raise awareness about the importance of insect pollinators and to inspire people to preserve existing, or create new, pollinator habitat.
- Encourage visitors (and locals) to explore the wonderful businesses and beautiful countryside across the St Davids peninsula
The St Davids Pollinator Trail takes in a selection of local attractions, activity providers, gardens and heritage sites across the St Davids peninsula. At each site, you will find an information board about one species of pollinator. Each board has a Bug Brainteaser question on it, with answers found on the board.
If you would like to take part in The Pollinator Trail you can download the map and Bug Brainteasers answer sheet here or from the Take Part page.
For more information about the Pollinator Trail – please visit the Bug Farm website below: